Monday 3 January 2011

Where do all the turkeys go after Christmas?

At Christmas stores are throwing goods at us on special offer but what about the rest of the year. Has anyone ever found a turkey on special offer in July? I haven
It is true, however, that we all enjoy a bargain and cupboards have been filled with buy one get one free offers and half price items, half of which we thoroughly enjoy for the time being but fill the larder with oddments when we get fed up of them.t. I like turkey but the only time I can find it at a price I can afford is in the month of December. With intensive farming and chemical engineering surely there must be a way for us to enjoy turkey during the summer months. Thankfully I have a large freezer and enjoy this delight throughout the year. Come on farmers think of all of us and not just your pocket at the end of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your first blog.
    The reasons why turkeys are only available at one time of year are threefold. Economics, practicality and fashion.
