Thursday 22 December 2011

Up to date

It has been a hard year, and if there are any followers out there wondering where I had gone, don't worry, I'm back!

In June my husband was medically retired.  A few weeks later my mother died - she had been ill for some time and had a heart attack.  Three weeks after that I had to put my german shepherd dog down as she suffered a massive heart attack also. My son announced his girlfriend was expecting a baby in May next year and my uncle developed cancer of the oesophagus.  All in all I am glad to see the back of this year.

On the up side.  My second son made me proud by achieving a goal.  I also managed to join the crowd and get my children's book Stella's Secret published through KDP Amazon.  All I have to do now is hope that next year will be a little better.

When you get year's like that and you feel that everything is against you I believe it makes you stronger.  Your personal experience helps you to face whatever other problems may arise and in the process you can be there to help others through their traumatic times.  I try not to think of this as a personal afront but a learning curve.  It teaches us to appreciate what we have and not to look to things we don't.  I also try not to worry about things I cannot change, things I have no control over.  We have enough to worry about without imagining things that may or may not happen.

I will start this new year afresh and look forward to what life may bring.